Stories from our customers of when Sharkbanz deterred sharks, reduced the risk, and added peace of mind.

Shark Encounter Testimonials
Since 2014, we've received over 100+ unsolicited testimonials from customers using Sharkbanz to deter sharks, including Bulls, Great Whites, Tigers, and Blacktips.
Others be found amongst our general "All Reviews" section.

Tiger Shark Encounter, Hawaii (March, 2024)
"Took a Ninety Degree Turn and Took Off!"
"Saw one big fish this morning between 8-10" ft - maybe even larger with stripes!!!! Frickin nutz. A month ago, Joe, one of my paddling partners was talking about Sharkbanz, and he'd purchased one for himself. I bought it about 2 weeks after and have been using it every time since. This morning was the closest encounter I’ve ever had. After being out for an hour or so, another surfer started yelling "shark, shark!", and then I heard "bruddah he’s heading towards you".
I couldn’t really see the beast until he was about a foot away from the nose of my board and I could see his eyelids start to close. Then about 5 inches from the tip of the nose, it just took a ninety degree turn and took off and headed towards my partner who also had the device. Same result, turned away and made his way quickly away from pack. There was six of us out there at that incident, 5 will attest to that! 🤙🏽 Aloha ke akua"
- Greg, Clyde and Joe | Surfers, Watermen - Oahu, HI (USA)
Great White Encounter, Cape Cod (October 2022)
"Sharkbanz has saved my life!"
"I surf in Cape Cod, and it's infested with the Great Whites! Sharkbanz has saved my life! Thank goodness for this miracle gadget! [More on this encounter]: I arrived at Truro beach, and it was a quiet day. Needing my precious holy salt waters after a long week, I jumped into the waters. Fog covered the entire area, and I was unable to see anything further than a meter. I was about to grab a good breaker when there he was! Right in front of me! We actually almost crashed into each other, when all of a sudden I heard a big flop and water splashing everywhere around me. I want to say part of his body touched my neoprene suit! I was amazed at how quick he was gone, and I thanked God for keeping me safe thanks to this miraculous gadget! I refuse to surf without it. I actually like to wear two Sharkbanz at once, since it creates a bigger stronger protection wall around me! Thank you, thank you, and thank you!"
- Martha D. | Surfer - Cape Cod, MA (USA)

Tiger Shark Encounter, Ballina, AU (February, 2015)
"the [tiger] shark swam away as soon as it came within the magnetic field."
"After my attack, I did a lot of research into the different products on the market and found Sharkbanz to be the most trustworthy. It wasn't until I came into contact with another shark months later that I was able to test the product first-hand. Last week, I was surfing near Byron Bay when a [4m tiger] shark began circling me. It was incredible to see how fast the [tiger] shark swam away as soon as it came within the magnetic field. I was glad that the band worked but still pretty shaken up so I paddled in to shore."
- Jabez Reitman | Surfer, Shark Attack Survivor - Ballina, NSW (AU)
Great White Encounter, South Africa (February, 2019)
"It Freaked Out, Spun Around!"
"Do Sharkbanz work? They work for me. I was diving at Cape Point, Feb 20, 2019, Spearfishing and I had a small 2.8M [Great] White swim up to me in the kelp. Came very, very close; cruising along on the edge in a little clearing. It turned very passively; it wasn't threatening at all. It came toward me and got within about a meter - head on. And I had my Sharkbanz around my ankle, and it got within range of that and it went absolutely tilt. It freaked out, spun around, and took off through the thickest part of the kelp just bashing a path out. So I never get in the water without Sharkbanz ... I know the guys who spearfish off Cape Point [...] when they've got the Sharkbanz around their ankles, their success rate of keeping their fish that they've shot [...] is 100x better than the guys who don't have a Sharkbanz [...]. So yeah, for us, it's an absolute no-brainer. We all wear them."
- Jeremy Ware | Diver, Spearfisherman - Cape Town (South Afriaca)
Wade fisherman and guide, Capt. Kyle Johnson, shares his story from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

"I like to wear the Sharkbanz wearable and the Sharkbanz Zeppelin at the same time. The more that are in the water, the better. I have a set for all of my clients. I mean, there's a multitude of reasons to use the products and applications for them."
- Capt. Kyle Johnson | Wade Fisherman, Guide - Biloxi, MS (USA)
What the Pros Say:

"Brings me a greater sense of calm as a professional surfer and a parent."
- Bethany Hamilton | Professional Surfer, Mother of Four - Kauai, HI (USA)

"There are some places I just won't surf without my Sharkbanz. I don't even notice it."
- Barton Lynch | 1988 World Surf Champion, Pro Surf Coach -Sydney, NSW (AU)

"Gives me security and peace of mind. I enjoy my time out there more."
-Harries Carroll | Lifeguard (Bondi Rescue), Waterman - Bondi Beach, NSW (AU)

"Any tool [to] prevent the threat is a massive bonus for any surfer."
- Jacob Wilcox | Professional Surfer, WSL - Margaret River, WA (AU)
- Donovan Daniels | Surfer - Lennox Head, NSW (AU)

Proven Deterrent Technology
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Sharkbanz Fishing Reviews
Charter captains, fishermen, and spearfishermen highlight their Sharkbanz Fishing experience and use of the Zeppelin to protect their catch and provide security when in the water.

Capt. Billy Delph, Key West, FL | @DelphFishing
"A must-have in your saltwater arsenal"
"At first I was a huge skeptic, but after a lot of testing I figured out how to implement it most effectively, and I can honestly say it works very well in most sharky conditions. It's not like the sharks are casually going up and gently turning their heads. They're like BOOM, and turning away."
Capt. Terry Maxwell, Exmouth, Australia | Charter Captain
"These devices are a god send."
"We typically use these big heavy sinkers, but the sharks will eat them on the way down and [those sinkers] rifle. We started using the Sharkbanz Fishing products, which don’t rifle, and we’ve noticed a far better recovery of the fish. We’re definitely noticing a difference. To give an example, where I might lose 16 fish to sharks and bring home 14 fish. With [Sharkbanz], we’re probably only losing 3 fish to sharks and getting our bag limits much earlier."
Watch NFL Legend Warren Sapp Land a Fish through a Real Sharknado

- Warren Sapp, NFL Pro Hall of Famer, Fisherman -- Stuart, FL (USA)
NFL Hall of Famer and FL native, Warren Sapp, uses the Sharkbanz FIshing Zeppelin to fight back scores of hungry sharks at a wreck site off the coast of Stuart, FL. Also featured is Captain Scott Fawcett of Off the Chain charters: "I'm Sold!". Typical of the Jupiter / Stuart region, the sharks were so bad this day that as many as 40-50 sharks were present at just this one wreck (145 ft). Thanks to the Zeppelin, we were able to have a successful outing.
Land More Fish | Sharkbanz Fishing

Capt. Chris Mendola, Key West, FL | @FAROUTCHARTERS
"Definitely helps avoid losing trophy Fish"
"Once you see that the Zeppelin works, like we did today where you have multiple sharks just turn off and shoot back down, it's a great feeling."