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Sharkbanz Fishing - Featured Print - Aug 2022
"Shark Stoppers"
"Whether sharks find alternating magnetic fields irritating, painful or confusing is unclear, but tests and video evidence confirm that they tend to turn away from the source, be it a Sharkbanz wearable or the Zeppelin."
- Boating Magazine
Sharkbanz Fishing - Featured Print - June 2022
"Beat It, Shark"
"Those of us who looked at the footage identified the sharks as sandbars, a species heavily targeted for commercial trade in fins and flesh in the 1970s and ’80s. Today sandbars are protected in U.S. waters—and apparently rebuilding. The Zeppelin had done its job, it seemed."
- Florida Sportsman
"Who would've thought by 2016 we'd have a way to repel sharks through wearable technology."
"A device that helps save some of these fish is a welcomed advancement to fishing tech."